Monday, March 24, 2025

Forms & Permits

~ Forms ~

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Below, you will find the officers we have assigned to assist you with your request.  We look forward to working with you to ensure that our government is open, accessible and accountable to all people of Palatine Township and throughout Illinois.  Please click on the request form, complete and submit to our office at 530 N. Smith Street, Palatine, IL 60067.  Or if you like,  attach the request form and email either of the officers.  If you have any further questions, concerns or need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at 847.358.6336.

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Form

Again, please complete the request form and forward it to the address printed in the upper left hand corner.  Additionally, you may email the completed form to either officer listed here.  They will assist you with your request.

FOIA Representatives:

Roland Sachs Jr. –

Clerk Lisa Moran –

Please note: FOIA process response time is 5 working days or sooner, unless an extension was agreed upon which would result in an additional 5 working days to respond with a FOIA Request Reply.  No copies or certified copies of the specified records will be provided to you until the applicable fees have been paid as outlined within the request form.  Fees must be paid in cash, cashier’s or certified check or by money order.  No charge will be assessed for the first 50 letter or legal size black and white copies.

For more information regarding FOIA’s, follow this link to the Illinois Attorney General’s website:

~ Permits ~

If you are doing any work within the Township right of way or you have an over weighted vehicle, a permit will be required before work or access can be granted.  Please find the corresponding permit for the work you will be performing.  Click on the required permit and surety bond, print, complete and submit to our office at 530 N. Smith Street, Palatine, IL 60067.  If you have any question, concerns or need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at 847.358.6336.

For driveway or culvert replacements, use the following permit.

Additional materials needed for review are:

  • Engineering plan detailing work to be performed
  • Name, address & phone number of contractor to perform the work
  • Estimate of total cost of improvements
  • Owner/Operator’scertificate of insurance
  • Palatine Township Road District Highway Commissioner Aaron B. Del Mar and Director Roland Sachs, Jr. are included as additional insured under the general liability policy as required
  • Surety bond (found below)

For exceeding size, weight or load restrictions, use the following.

Additional materials needed for review are:

  • Detailed description of work to be undertaken and route proposed to be traveled
  • Name, address & phone number of firm owning and operating equipment that is to perform the work
  • Proposed time schedule of events to happen
  • Owner/Operator’s certificate of insurance
  • Palatine Township Road District Highway Commissioner Aaron B. Del Mar and Director Roland Sachs, Jr. are included as additional insured under the general liability policy as required
  • Surety bond (found below)

To use the Township right of way for utilities,  use this permit.

Additional materials needed for review are:

  • Engineering plan detailing work to be performed
  • Name, address & phone number of all contractors including subs that will perform the work
  • Estimate of total cost of improvements
  • Owner/Operator’s certificate of insurance
  • Palatine Township Road District Highway Commissioner Aaron B. Del Mar and Director Roland Sachs, Jr. are included as additional insured under the general liability policy as required
  • Surety bond (found below)
  • Processing fee of $250.00

The $10,000 Surety Bond

Additional materials needed for review are:

  • One or more of the permits above
  • Owner/Operator’s certificate of insurance
  • Palatine Township Road District Highway Commissioner Aaron B. Del Mar and Director Roland Sachs, Jr. are included as additional insured under the general liability policy as required.