Monday, March 31, 2025

2013-04-18 Rainfall Totals

From Late Morning on Thursday April 17 to Late Morning on Friday April 18, we received approximately 4.3 inches of rain. The pdf documents below show how the rain fell.  If we take the core of the storm from noon on Thursday to 6:00 am on Friday morning we received 3.52 inches.  Based on Bulletin 70 Spring Rainfall Data Tables, pages 70-73, 3.81 inches of rain constitutes a storm event as a 50 year storm recurrence interval.  This analysis means that this  storm was similiar to a 50 year storm event or a 2% probability of occurring within any given year.  For a more detailed definition and explanation of storm recurrence intervals and probability chance of reoccurence, please follow the link below.

100 Year Storm and Probability

Additonal data of the storm…