Monday, March 31, 2025

Quentin Road Project – 2016

14639729_10154796253263013_1416067937608464035_nWe are truly aware of this particular stretch of roadway.  Unfortunately, Quentin Road is not under our jurisdiction.  It is a Cook County Highway Department roadway.  We routinely receive calls regarding this section of roadway, which prompted us to inform those who inquire that the following website can be used to find upcoming County projects.  The Quentin Road Project can be found on Cook County website.  Please follow the link for further information regarding this roadway and others in the area.

The Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways (CCDOTH) will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, November 15, 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm, to discuss potential improvements to Quentin Road between Dundee Road and Lake Cook Road.  CCDOTH staff and consultants will be on hand to discuss the project and answer questions.  Interested residents may leave comments concerning the project.  Please follow the public meeting link above containing information regarding the meeting.

Additionally, Cook County has produced a Long Range Transportation Plan to guide the County’s transportation decisions and their impact on economic growth and quality of life over the next 25 years.