Monday, March 31, 2025

2018 Summer

Storm Cleanup:

As we enter the summer months, we typically experience a couple strong storms with winds that cause downed trees. After these powerful storms pass, Palatine Township road crews are dispatched to ensure that any obstructed roadways have been cleared. Once accomplished, road crews can focus on collecting storm damage from private properties. If you live in the INCORPORATED areas of Palatine, Inverness or Rolling Meadows, call your municipality as they will schedule a pick up based on the extent of damage. If you experience a downed tree due to a storm event and live in the UNICORPORATED area, please call 847.358.6336 to schedule a pickup. We will only collect storm damage if the debris has been placed with branch or cut side facing the edge of the street. If you have small brush or branches, please tie them with twine in bundles 4 ft. or less in length and 2 ft. or less in diameter. By doing so, they will be more manageable for disposal and we will be able to assist your neighbors more effectively and efficiently.

Infrastructure Improvements:

Currently, we are in the process of resurfacing the North Half of Plum Grove Estates Subdivision in the southeast section of Palatine Township. Roadways were surveyed for drainage concerns, milled, patched and new asphalt, surface course was placed. The streets within the subdivision include Briarwood, Crestwood and Meadow Lanes along with Woodland, Oakwood, Knollwood and Meadow Courts. We installed new high intensity prismatic traffic signs to provide better retro-reflectivity of sight. Additionally, street name signs were updated according to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). After the improvements have all been made, we will return to place topsoil along the road edge to make the transition to the existing surface.

To keep our roadways fully maintained and functional, permits are necessary for any home or driveway improvement. Permits are free of charge and easy to complete. We use the permits, certificate of insurance and surety bond to document contractors and hold them accountable for any accidental damage that may occur within the roadway right of way. For permit applications and supporting documentation please contact us at 847.358.6336, stop by at 530 N. Smith Street in Palatine or visit our website .

Storm Sewer Installation:

Stormwater drainage is a key component to the design, function and longevity of the roadway pavement. In order to protect our roadway, it is necessary to have the correct drainage. Premature failure of the asphalt pavement and granular subbase may occur if stormwater is not transferred away from the roadway. There are several ways to handle this drainage, however the two most recognizable are curb and gutter designs or open ditches with cross culverts. Inlets, catch basins and manholes, are used in both cases to collect and transfer stormwater to sewers, which carry it away from the roadway. Sewers then properly discharge the stormwater to receiving areas such as ponds, wetlands or creeks. At Palatine Township Road District we carefully install and maintain curb and gutter systems, storm sewers, open ditches as well as any cross culverts under driveways and roadways. Therefore, if any standing stormwater is noticed please contact us and we will investigate to ensure proper drainage is met.