Monday, March 31, 2025

2021 Fall

From the desk of Commissioner Del Mar:

     This has been a “feast or famine” summer, with either severe thunderstorms that produced heavy rainfalls and high winds or extensive and lengthy droughts.  In fact, the entire summer of 2021 Northern Illinois, like most of the West, was under a drought condition, peaking with extreme drought conditions during June and July.  However, even though we were dry, we did have a few thunderstorms.  In fact, four straight days during August, we received severe thunderstorms with damaging winds and heavy rainfall intensities.  After these storms passed, we cleared the roadways and right of ways of obstructions.  Then we made our way through impacted areas to gather and process branches from private residences.  We collected storm damage if the debris had been placed with branch or cut side facing the edge of the street.  By doing so, they become more manageable for disposal, and we can assist you and your neighbors more effectively and efficiently.

     This past summer, infrastructure improvements occurred in the Fielding Place Subdivision.  Work included removing and replacing compromised curb and gutter, while storm structures were adjusted.  The roadways were milled, resurfaced, and shouldered with topsoil, and grass seed.  We anticipate in late summer and early autumn to continue with another infrastructure improvement in the Plum Grove Estates Subdivision.  Before the paving project, we surveyed the roadways for drainage concerns and made necessary corrections needed to ensure positive drainage.  Stormwater drainage is a key component to the design, function, and longevity of the roadway pavement.

     Through autumn, specifically November 26, we will continue our annual yard waste collection.  We have been processing this past summer’s and early autumn’s material for next year’s availability.  However, we do have material available from late last year’s collection and is offered to anyone within the Township for pick-up at the Road District Garage and Town Hall locations.  This is a great opportunity to winterize your gardening beds.  Call for availability, as this material is quickly consumed during the autumn months.  Part of the allure of the season that many in the Midwest have come to reminisce, is the smell of burning leaves broadcasting thru the countryside.  However, burning leaves and other landscape materials are regulated thru local municipalities.  They have the authority to impose limitations on burning landscape waste such as limiting the hours when such burning may occur, types of material allowed, as well as a total ban of open burning.  Please check with your local community before burning.  Information can be found on our website,

     Palatine Township Road District continues to be staffed and equipped to combat the diverse weather of the Chicagoland area.  We have once again executed our salt contract to provide the Township with bulk treated road salt, anti-icing liquid and have outfitted our fleet with additional ice control measures.  We continue to monitor weather conditions and apply the best technique to combat inclement weather.  For instance, on a bright sunny, cold morning you may see our trucks anti-icing the roadways with a salt brine before a winter storm comes thru later that day.  Finally, keep tract of weather conditions by having multiple ways of receiving alerts.  We continue to update our website and Facebook pages with information pertaining to the weather, our services, permitting, and upcoming and completed projects.

     Thank you for your continued support.  We will continue to ensure that Palatine Township Road District will be available for all your infrastructure concerns and strive to meet your expectations.  If you have any questions, concerns or need any additional information regarding our services please feel free to email me at