Monday, March 31, 2025

2022 Fall


Through autumn, specifically November 22, we will continue our annual yard waste collection.  We have been processing this past summer’s and early autumn’s material for next year’s availability.  However, we do have material available from late last year’s collection and is offered to anyone within the Township for pick-up at the Road District Garage and Town Hall locations.  This is a great opportunity to winterize your gardening beds.  Call for availability, as this material is quickly consumed during the autumn months.

Part of the allure of the season that many in the Midwest have come to reminisce, is the smell of burning leaves broadcasting through the countryside.  However, burning leaves and other landscape materials are regulated through local municipalities.  They have the authority to impose restrictions on burning landscape waste such as limiting the hours when such burning may occur, types of material allowed, as well as a total ban of open burning.  Please check with your local community before burning.  Information can be found on our website,

The last three winters we received 32.5, 48.8, and 34.8 inches, all within a typical, normal winter.  However, past winters have been a story of mixed precipitation.  Whether we receive several inches of snow, sleet, graupel, freezing rain or drizzle, and even freezing fog, along with extreme frigid air, Palatine Township Road District is staffed and equipped to combat the diverse weather of the Chicagoland area.  We continually monitor weather conditions and apply the best technique to battle inclement weather.  We have, as in years past, collaborated with the Village of Inverness to combine our quantities for bulk treated, delivered rock salt to obtain the lowest, responsible unit price.  To further reduce costs and reliance on outside vendors, we make our own salt brine.  Salt brine is the main component in liquid applications.  By making a “Winter Cocktail” of 90% salt brine and 10% calcium chloride, we can further enhance the effectiveness of the snow and ice control operations.  For instance, on a bright sunny, cold morning you may see our trucks anti-icing the roadways with a salt brine before a winter storm comes thru later that day.  This pre-treatment forms a barrier between the roadway and frozen precipitation, preventing an icy bond to form between the two.  Finally, keep tract of weather conditions by having multiple ways of receiving alerts.  We maintain our website and Facebook pages with information pertaining to the weather, our services, permitting, and upcoming and completed projects.

During the middle of the winter season, we will collect pine trees and holiday decorations that have outlasted the Christmas and New Year Holidays.  Incorporated areas please check with your waste disposal carrier, as they will collect your tree, usually as part of your service.  If you live in the unincorporated areas and it is time for disposal, please place your tree with the trunk side to the curb without a bag.  When weather permits, we will collect them, process, and add the spoils to the composting material.

Finally, look for 2023 roadway infrastructure improvements to occur in the northwest corner of the township. Hillside Road along with the courts off Hillside Road include White Tail, Nantucket Hidden Oaks, Deer Grove, and Crooked Creek will be milled, patched, resurfaced, and shouldered with topsoil, and grass seed.

Once again thank you for your continued support.  We will continue to ensure that Palatine Township Road District will be available for all your infrastructure concerns and strive to meet your expectations.  If you have any questions, concerns, or need any additional information regarding our services please feel free to email me at