Monday, March 31, 2025

2023 Paving

We are in the process of resurfacing the roadways in the northwest corner of the Township, Hillside Road Subdivisions including Crooked Creek Trail.  Earlier this year, we trimmed all the parkway trees for roadway clearance and removed any dead or diseased trees.  Next, we surveyed the roadways for drainage concerns and made corrections needed to ensure positive drainage.  We milled the roadways 2”, inspected, patched, primed, and resurfaced with 2” of asphalt surface course.  Finally, we. installed high intensity prismatic traffic signs and recessed roadway delineators to provide better retro-reflectivity of sight.  To keep our roadways fully maintained and functional, permits are necessary for any home or driveway improvement.  Permits are free of charge and easy to complete.  We use the permits, certificate of insurance and surety bond to document contractors and hold them accountable for any accidental damage that may occur within the roadway right of way.

2023 Paving Map