Friday, February 28, 2025


Bridge Replacement:

As we wrote this article, we are in the midst of resubmitting plans for the replacement of the Briarwood Lane Bridge within the Plum Grove Estates Subdivision which crosses the Upper Reach of Salt Creek. The original was built in the 50’s and has lasted longer than it probably was designed for. There are exposed sections of rebar and cracks within the structure. The bridge is continually monitored by Cook County Highway Department (CCHD) and reports are filed to Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). CCHD suggested repairs to the bridge in the amount close to $370,000, at which point we decided that “kicking the financial can down road” for the next generation to repair, wasn’t the responsible solution since the repair would only last 10-15 years. Due to frugal spending in the past, we have been able to save money for this project with no increase in taxes or borrowing. Therefore, we started the design process with the above agencies to determine what would need to be done in order to install a new type of bridge. Since the current bridge had two center piers, a free span bridge was automatically considered. This type of bridge would allow the creek to flow freely which would eliminate debris and sedimentation to collect at the crossing. In addition to reinstalling a new bridge, Briarwood Lane will be realigned for better sight distance in the last few feet before the bridge and moved into the center of the right of way. The bridge and roadway will remain similar to the existing conditions in order to preserve the character of the subdivision.

Late Summer 2012 Asphalt Paving:

Earlier this year, we completed the installation of a storm sewer along Grove Lane to alleviate flooding from Knoxboro Lane to Hillside Road. They are scheduled to be resurfaced this year. For a complete list of streets and locations please visit our website,