Sunday, February 23, 2025

2015 Strategic Plan

IMG_2578Palatine Township Road District provides maintenance for roadways, including bridges and right of ways, in the unincorporated areas of Palatine Township.  We provide services in a timely, efficient and courteous manner always mindful that the taxpayers of Palatine Township are paying for the services we provide.  It is important that the Road District have vision that guides it into the future.  This can be achieved through deliberate planning and periodic updating reflecting changes in circumstances.   Therefore, the Road District completed development of it’s Strategic Plan including current and long range goals.

CLICK HERE to read the Strategic Plan as developed by Palatine Township Road District.

The creation of the plan has taken several months beginning in late 2014 and completed on August 4, 2015:

  • The plan was drafted by our three member team.
  • It was first displayed on our Website in March of 2015.  Since then the public has been invited to make comments and suggestions. Questions have been submitted by the public; for questions beyond our jurisdiction, such as the Quentin Road expansion, we advised the correspondent that they would need to direct their question or concern elsewhere, and whenever possible pointed them in the right direction.
  • We made multiple attempts to notify the public about the draft plan and the fact that we were seeking input.
    • 1) We made a robotic phone call to households in Palatine Township where we could acquire the phone number
    • 2) We sent out emails.
    • 3) We sent press releases to electronic and print media at the end of June asking for public input by July 31
  • We reviewed all the public input and made changes and clarifications in the plan in response to the emailed suggestions and questions from the public.

The Township Road District would like to thank everyone who helped prepare the Strategic Plan and everyone who read the draft, especially those who took the time to make a suggestion for improvement.