Sunday, February 23, 2025

2017 Summer

Storm Cleanup:

As we enter the summer months, we typically experience a couple strong storms with winds that cause downed trees. After these powerful storms pass, Palatine Township road crews are dispatched to ensure that any obstructed roadways have been cleared. Once accomplished, road crews can focus on collecting storm damage from private properties. If you live in the INCORPORATED areas of Palatine, Inverness or Rolling Meadows, call your municipality as they will schedule a pick up based on the extent of damage. If you experience a downed tree due to a storm event and live in the UNICORPORATED area, please call 847.358.6336 to schedule a pickup. We will only collect storm damage if the debris has been placed with branch or cut side facing the edge of the street. If you have small brush or branches, please tie them with twine in bundles 4 ft. or less in length and 2 ft. or less in diameter. By doing so, they will be more manageable for disposal and we will be able to assist your neighbors more effectively and efficiently.

Services and Programs:

A few of the additional services and programs that are offered through Palatine Township Road District are the yard waste program, free compost availability, tire amnesty and creek cleaning coordination. This past spring, we held our annual tire amnesty program. We collected over 400 tires from the residents of Palatine Township. The collection days prevent tires from being “fly dumped” on the side of the road, in open areas and in ditches and creeks where they can become breeding grounds for mosquitoes, unsightly landscape, mowing problems, not to mention flooding concerns. By working together, we can improve the water quality of our creeks and streams to continue living in a healthy ecosystem. Proper maintenance, responsible use of fertilizers and correct waste disposal are just a few solutions to keep our creeks and streams clean.

Furthermore, through coordination efforts with other governmental agencies the Road District works cooperatively with the Small Streams Maintenance Program (SSMP) of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD). Since it began in 2006, dedicated crews have provided a valuable service by removing debris from creeks, streams and waterways. The success of the SSMP depends on this cooperation and coordination among all communities to efficiently & respectfully manage the waterways. If you may find downed trees or debris within the waterway please contact us at 847.358.6336 and we will coordinate with the SSMP for cleanup.


Infrastructure Improvements:

Currently we are in the process or resurfacing the Howe Terrace Subdivision in the northwest section of Palatine Township. Roadways were surveyed for drainage concerns, milled, patched and new asphalt, surface course was placed. The streets within the subdivision include Howe Terrace, Arlington, Prospect, Hawthorne and Hawk Drives, Grace, Linder and Pheasant Lanes, Roth Avenue, Oak and Hillcrest Courts and Briar Place. We installed new high intensity prismatic traffic signs to provide better retro-reflectivity of sight. Additionally, street name signs were updated according to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).

To keep our roadways fully maintained and functional, permits are necessary for any home or driveway improvement. Permits are free of charge and easy to complete. We use the permits, certificate of insurance and surety bond to document contractors and hold them accountable for any accidental damage that may occur within the roadway right of way. For permit applications and supporting documentation please contact us at 847.358.6336, stop by at 530 N. Smith Street in Palatine or visit our website .