Friday, March 7, 2025

2020 Fall

From the desk of Commissioner Del Mar:

     Like 2020, the weather of the year has sure set the history books a blaze. May 2020 became the wettest month on record since 1871, when meteorological data began recording. We received 9.51 inches of rain which is 5.83 inches above normal 3.58 inches. This comes after last year’s record May precipitation of 8.25 inches and the previous May of 8.21 inches. That makes three (3) consecutive years that May has been wetter than normal. In response to the heavy storms, we encircled the Township to collect and remove any debris that had fallen into and across the right of way, as well as any storm damage that individual homeowners had carried out to the roadway. During our tour, we jet rodded compromised storm sewers to clear any blockages. In fact, we designed and built several ditch modifications that assisted storm water from the roadways and properties. Finally, in anticipation to heavy rainfall events, we routinely sweep the roadways for debris, mostly from landscaping materials such as grass clippings and tree shed to keep the storm drains open.

     Through autumn, specifically November 26, we will continue our annual yard waste collection for the UNINCORPORATED AREAS. We have been processing this past summer’s and early autumn’s material for next year’s availability. However, we do have material available from late last year’s collection and is offered for pick-up only at the Road District Garage and Town Hall. This is a great opportunity to winterize your gardening beds. Call for availability, as this material is quickly consumed during the autumn months. Additionally, during the winter season we will collect pine trees that have outlasted the Christmas and New Year Holidays. For the INCORPORATED AREAS, please check with your waste disposal carrier as they will collect your tree, usually as part of your service. If you live in the UNINCORPORATED AREAS and it is time for disposal, please place your tree with the trunk side to the curb without a bag. When weather permits during January and early February, we will collect them, process, and add the spoils to the composting material we offer during the warmer months of the year.

     Palatine Township Road District is staffed and equipped to combat the diverse weather of the Chicagoland area. We have executed our salt contract to provide the Township with bulk treated road salt, anti-icing liquid and have outfitted our fleet with additional ice control measures. We continue to monitor weather conditions and apply the best technique to combat inclement weather. For instance, on a bright sunny, cold morning you may see our trucks anti-icing the roadways with a salt brine before a winter storm comes thru later that day. This pre-treatment forms a barrier between the roadway and frozen precipitation, preventing an icy bond to form between the two. Finally, help us to keep your neighbors and other motorists safe by not disposing of snow into the street, a public sidewalk or even on the parkway across from your property. Properly pile the snow from your driveway on the downstream edge of roadway plowing operations and your drive. As you face your house, the left side of the driveway is the best location. This will reduce the amount of snow deposited into your driveway during the following storm events. If a mailbox has been compromised by our municipal plow truck, please notify us immediately so that a temporary mailbox may be installed for continued postal service. Everyone at the Road District greatly appreciates your effort in combating the winter storms and together we will keep the roadways open and safe.

     Thank you for your continued support. If you have any questions, concerns or need any additional information regarding our services please feel free to email me at