Saturday, February 22, 2025

2020 Summer

From the desk of Commissioner Del Mar:

     First and foremost, in a continued response to the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which results in corona virus disease (COVID-19) Palatine Township Road District (PTRD) shall remain open and staffed to serve the community’s infrastructure needs. We have informed the employees that everyone has a role to play in staying healthy and like the rest of the world, we have implemented procedures in line with the CDC recommendations. We have discussed and cooperated with the Village of Palatine to share administration knowledge and maintenance work force in case of absences, quarantines, or direct closures. Additionally, we have expanded the radius of support by joining the Illinois Public Works Mutual Aid Network (IPWMAN). This will allow PTRD to reach to other public work agencies during emergencies for aid and to provide aid. These are truly unprecedented times and with patience, consideration and understanding, we will continue to work through this situation together.

     We began our annual yard waste collection for the unincorporated areas in April and will continue thru the Thanksgiving week. The yard waste is processed and allowed to age for a year, turned, and watered to aid the aerobic breakdown of the organic material into compost. Once the compost has been cooled, we make it available for free at the Townhall, corner of Quentin and Illinois, and at the material yard on Smith Street. Although we quickly ran out of material this spring, we will have more material ready for the autumn months. Keep your eyes open to the stockpiles as this product does move quick and there is a limited supply. During late April and early May we organized, accepted, and opened bid documents for a two-year contract of delivered bulk treated rock salt to be used for snow and ice control operations during the upcoming winter seasons. Once again, we worked together with the Village of Inverness to combine our quantities to realize the lowest, responsible unit price. In late May, we collected over 400 tires from the residents of Palatine Township. The collection days prevent tires from being “fly dumped” on the side of the road, in open areas and in ditches and creeks where they can become breeding grounds for mosquitoes, unsightly landscape, mowing problems, not to mention flooding concerns during the summer months.

     Currently, we are in the process of coordinating, bidding, and scheduling the resurfacing of the southern roadways within the Plum Grove Estates Subdivision. During the year before the paving project, we will survey the roadways for drainage concerns and will work to make any corrections needed to ensure positive drainage. Stormwater drainage is a key component to the design, function and longevity of the roadway pavement. To protect our roadway, it is necessary to have the correct drainage. Once the improvements have been made, we will return to install new high intensity prismatic traffic signs to provide better retro-reflectivity of sight. Additionally, street name signs will be updated according to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Finally, to keep our roadways fully maintained and functional, permits are necessary for any home or driveway improvement. Permits are free of charge and easy to complete. We use the permits, certificate of insurance and surety bond to document contractors and hold them accountable for any accidental damage that may occur within the roadway right of way.

     Thank you for your continued support. If you have any questions, concerns or need any additional information regarding our services please feel free to email me at