Monday, March 31, 2025

2022 Spring


This year, we plan to make infrastructure improvements within the Lake Park Estates Subdivision.  The roadways will be milled, resurfaced, and shouldered with topsoil, and grass seed.  Additionally, we will replace a large, corrugated metal arch pipe under Martin Drive.  The replacement will be a robust concrete box culvert with rustic look headwalls and materials to improve stormwater quality.  New high intensity prismatic traffic signs will be installed to provide better retro-reflectivity of sight and street name signs will be updated according to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.  This past fall, roadways were milled and resurfaced in the Plum Grove Estates Subdivision.  Briarwood Lane Bridge was also milled to expose the concrete deck.  For reference, the lower half of the bridge was improved with a fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) in 2016.  Compromised areas in the decking were excavated and patched with new concrete and reinforcement.  Once the concrete cured, a waterproof membrane was placed over the entire upper deck and hot-mix asphalt was laid in place to provide a smooth transition.  Several drainage areas were also improved to remove standing and nuisance water.

In fact, before any paving project, we survey the roadways for drainage concerns and make necessary corrections needed to ensure positive drainage.  Stormwater drainage is a key component to the design, function, and longevity of the roadway pavement.  We replace failing culverts through driveways, remove and replace compromised storm sewers, create positive ditch drainage, and install underdrain systems to alleviate standing water and extend our roadway life expectancy.  To keep our roadways fully maintained and functional, permits are necessary for any home or driveway improvement.  Permits are free of charge and easy to complete.  We use the permits, certificate of insurance and surety bond to document contractors and hold them accountable for any accidental damage that may occur within the roadway right of way.  For permit applications and supporting documentation visit our website  We continue to update our website and Facebook pages with information pertaining to permitting, the weather, upcoming and completed projects, and services we offer.

Offered services that have been scheduled this year include our Tire Amnesty Program, yard waste collection and free compost stockpiles.  Early each spring, on selected Saturdays, anyone living in Palatine Township can drop off their used tires free of charge at our garage.  If you are a resident of Palatine Township, stop by and unload your old tires at the Road District Garage, located at: 530 N. Smith Street, Palatine.  Following Earth Day, the tire amnesty program will be held from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm on Saturday April 23, 2022 and Saturday April 30, 2022.  There will be a limit of 10 tires and tires from commercial vendors will not be accepted.  We will begin our annual yard waste collection for the unincorporated areas on April 4, 2022 and will continue thru Thanksgiving week, November 21, 2022.  After collecting the waste, we process the material by grinding it, turning it, and letting it age for a year as it breaks down into compost.  We will continue to offer free compost for anyone to pick-up at the Road District Garage and Town Hall locations.  Please call for availability, as this material is quickly consumed.

Thank you once again for your continued support.  We will continue to ensure that Palatine Township Road District will be available for all your infrastructure concerns and strive to meet your expectations.  If you have any questions, concerns or need any additional information regarding our services please feel free to email me at