Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sky Lantern Ban

On May 14, 2013, the Office of the State Fire Marshal’s (OSFM) Consumer Fireworks Review Committee voted to place Sky Lanterns on the “Prohibited Consumer Fireworks” list.

Sky Lanterns, or as they are sometimes called, Floating Lanterns, Wishing Lanterns and Celebrations Lanterns, are airborne paper lanterns. The lanterns contain a small candle or fuel cell that when lit, heats the air in the lantern making it rise into the air. They are known to travel up to several miles from where they were originally released.

Sky Lanterns fall within the scope of the OSFM’s jurisdiction under the Pyrotechnic Use Act, the Pyrotechnic Distributor and Operator Licensing Act, and the Fireworks Regulation Act of Illinois.  Sky Lanterns are defined as “fireworks” under the Fireworks Regulation Act of Illinois, which states in part as follows: “fireworks shall mean and include .. . the type of balloon which requires fire underneath to propel the same .. . ” 425 ILCS 30/ 2(a).

Sky Lanterns have been known to cause residential and forest fires, as well as other losses. Sky Lanterns also pose hazards to aviation and vehicular traffic. Because of these fire and safety hazards, the Office of the State Fire Marshal for the State of Illinois is issuing this notice to inform you that Sky Lanterns are now prohibited in Illinois. It is therefore illegal to sell or use Sky Lanterns in the State of Illinois.

For more information on Illinois Fireworks laws, visit the website for the Office of the State Fire Marshal at