Sunday, February 23, 2025

2013 Paving

IMG_6424 (600 x 450)The paving project for the summer of 2013 includes two areas with one in the northeast section of the Township and the other in the southern section.  The Tiburon subdivision in the northeast section along with a portion of Nichols Road and Bloomington Avenue will not only be resurfaced but failed curb and gutter will be replaced, accessible crossings will be installed and misaligned sidewalks will be removed and replaced.  Additionally, new street and traffic signs will be installed to meet new federal mandates.  The Forest Estates subdivision will also be repaved this summer along with new curb and gutter to replace the failed curb and gutter.  We anticipate starting construction in September of 2013.  Please be aware of construction signs once a schedule has been finalized.  Additionally, check below for a map of the area…

Paving 2013 Map Tiburon

Paving 2013 Map Forest Estates