Friday, February 21, 2025

2024 Compost Availability

In order to build a great garden or lawn a solid foundation needs to be established.  This can be done by adding compost.  Compost is simply a decayed organic matter such as fallen leaves, dead plants and grass clippings. It is rich in nutrients that aid in plant growth and make a great soil additive.  […]


2024 Tire Amnesty

Tires are a staple of modern society, however it has become one of our largest solid waste headaches. This nuisance extends especially to our roadside ditches. Violators “fly dump” their unwanted tires, creating breeding grounds for mosquitoes, flooding and maintenance concerns for the Road District, not to mention an unsightly landscape. In response, we created […]


2024 Yard Waste

Beginning April 1, 2024, we will resume our yard waste program by picking up the kraft paper lawn and leaf bags. This service will continue through Thanksgiving week, November 25, 2024. In Late March, we will deliver to every unincorporated home 56 yard waste stickers. These stickers are to be used on yard waste bags […]


2023 Fall

  Part of the allure of the season that many in the Midwest have come to reminisce, is the smell of burning leaves broadcasting through the countryside.  However, burning leaves and other landscape materials are regulated through local municipalities.  They have the authority to impose restrictions on burning landscape waste such as limiting the hours […]


2023 Summer

  It seems these days we are experiencing more localized flooding through the metro area.  For your reference, floodplains are defined as any area that floods because of a specific type of storm, most commonly a 100-year storm event.  This storm event is not simply defined as a storm that occurs within 100 years, rather […]


2023 Spring

  Governmental services are paid through property taxes which are listed on your annual property tax statement from the Cook County Assessor’s Office.  As Highway Commissioner of Palatine Township, we can help to reduce your taxes by levying or asking for less money, which we have done once again this year.  Our portion of the […]


2022 Fall

  Through autumn, specifically November 22, we will continue our annual yard waste collection.  We have been processing this past summer’s and early autumn’s material for next year’s availability.  However, we do have material available from late last year’s collection and is offered to anyone within the Township for pick-up at the Road District Garage […]


2023 Compost Availability

In order to build a great garden or lawn a solid foundation needs to be established.  This can be done by adding compost.  Compost is simply a decayed organic matter such as fallen leaves, dead plants and grass clippings. It is rich in nutrients that aid in plant growth and make a great soil additive.  […]


2023 Tire Amnesty

Tires are a staple of modern society, however it has become one of our largest solid waste headaches. This nuisance extends especially to our roadside ditches. Violators “fly dump” their unwanted tires, creating breeding grounds for mosquitoes, flooding and maintenance concerns for the Road District, not to mention an unsightly landscape. In response, we created […]


2023 Yard Waste

Beginning April 3, 2023, we will resume our yard waste program by picking up the kraft paper lawn and leaf bags. This service will continue through Thanksgiving week, November 20, 2023. In Late March, we will deliver to every unincorporated home 56 yard waste stickers. These stickers are to be used on yard waste bags […]


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