Saturday, March 29, 2025

2025 Yard Waste

Beginning April 7, 2025, we will resume our yard waste program by picking up the paper lawn and leaf bags. This service will continue through Thanksgiving week, November 24, 2025. Late March, we will deliver to every unincorporated home 56 yard waste stickers. These stickers are to be used on yard waste bags that you […]


2025 Tire Amnesty

Tires are a staple of modern society, however it has become one of our largest solid waste headaches. This nuisance extends especially to our roadside ditches. Violators “fly dump” their unwanted tires, creating breeding grounds for mosquitoes, flooding and maintenance concerns for the Road District, not to mention an unsightly landscape. In response, we created […]


2025 Compost Availability

In order to build a great garden or lawn a solid foundation needs to be established.  This can be done by adding compost.  Compost is simply a decayed organic matter such as fallen leaves, dead plants and grass clippings. It is rich in nutrients that aid in plant growth and make a great soil additive.  […]


Culverts, Driveways, and Permits

When you are ready to replace your driveway, you may want to check with the Road District.  Chances are the culvert under your driveway needs replacing as an old, compromised culvert may deteriorate your newly installed driveway.  We replace failing culverts through driveways once a permit application has been submitted.  Permits are necessary for any […]


Winter Storms

Due to the most recent Winter Storm, many homeowners are struggling to find ways to get rid of their tree and brush damage.  For your aid , after the storm passes and roadways have been cleared, clean-up crews are scheduled to collect storm damage from private properties.  This will occur only thru the following week or two […]


Storm Aid

It seems that in past summers we either experienced a lengthy drought or intense rainfalls that caused flooding or downed trees.  For your aid , after the storm passes and roadways have been cleared, clean-up crews are scheduled to collect storm damage from private properties.  If you live in the incorporated areas of Palatine, Inverness or […]


Driveway Snow Clearing

 Whether we receive several inches of sleet, freezing rain, graupel, snow or extreme frigid air, Palatine Township Road District is staffed and equipped to combat all the fickle weather we receive in the Chicagoland area.      Help us to keep your neighbors and other motorists safe by not disposing of snow into the street, a […]


Summer Storms

It seems that in past summers we either experienced a lengthy drought or intense rainfalls that caused flooding or downed trees.  For your aid , after the storm passes and roadways have been cleared, clean-up crews are scheduled to collect storm damage from private properties.  If you live in the incorporated areas of Palatine, Inverness or […]


Storm Sewers

Our crew continually monitor the condition of vital storm sewers within the Township.  They are an experienced staff that uses the latest technology in order to keep infrastructure up and running.