Friday, March 28, 2025

Open Burning

Open-BurningPart of autumn that many in the Midwest have come to reminisce is the smell of burning leaves broadcasting thru the countryside. However, burning leaves and other landscape materials may be regulated thru local municipalities, as written by the Illinois Environmental Protection agency “It depends on the local laws and ordinances as units of local governments have the authority to impose limitations on burning landscape waste including limiting the hours when such burning may occur, types of material allowed, as well as a total ban of open burning (e.g., leaf-burning ban). There is no state law or regulatory ban on leaf burning, however, local laws and ordinances govern.” Please see their website at for further information. In the UNINCORPORATED AREAS within Palatine Township please follow the following Cook County chart to verify allowance, It can be found at Additionally, INCORPORTED AREAS may find information from their respective municipality such as in the Village of Deer Park, or the Village of Palatine, and the Village of Inverness at